We are the People that are FREE!


 Passage People by edition

 Passage People by boat names

 From The Coastal Passage, issue # 19

A new ‘land mark’ for the Whitsundays.. I was down the coast when the project was under way and caught Brian and Linda getting their first look at the boat. This is the same builder that did “Extra Chilli” so I am confident the boat is finished very well. Congratulations Brian & Linda and thanks for the invitation for sundowners... but don’t be surprised if I show up with a swag!
 You should have seen all the photos I had to take of this rotten mob before I got one that I could print and still call this a family rag! This voyage was for a “Blessing of the Fleet.” Now, no offense to the Padre but I’m not sure the old boy was up to the job. An exorcist would be more appropriate. So just to make sure it wasn’t a waste of time I hear by confer upon this vessel and it’s... er... crew the Blessing of TCP. And I know you guys need it. I have the photographic evidence after all. May you be forgiven for all your outstanding sins and the ones you are probably plotting as I speak. May your livers tolerate your sin of getting snockered before noon.. or even breakfast this day I think. But most of all congratulations for going through an official blessing of the fleet without lightning striking you all. The “Scurvy crew” is Graham, Euwin, Skipper Bob Fenney (sporting the lovely red bonnet) Cheryl, (front) Troy and Jenny.
Bob Fenney, AKA Bob III is happily retired from a long career as a news photographer for The Courier Mail, Women’s Day and other barely forgivable sins and now can be seen around the marina or the Whits on his pretty old Gaffer. Best beer brewer in the marina!
Richard works at the Mercury, the local paper in Mackay.
I know because that’s where I have TCP printed. Most would assume there is a big machine that puts in those inserted advertisements that you get in the paper. Not so, it’s done by hand. But what has that got to do with boats? The inserters are independent workers. Richard did insertions after regular work for seven bloody years to pay for the materials to build (how did he find the time!) what I think is as pretty and clean a little Snell cat as I have ever seen. One more brilliant example of how hard people work to relax on the water! I think the name refers to Richards working history, that is long hard days, so when he finally quits all the jobs maybe the boat should be re-named “No More Bad Habits!”
 I met Shirley and Sam Chambers several years ago on a paper delivery. Got on from the start and we have kept in touch since. It came up in conversation that Sam had done a web site before and I needed someone to do a little tutoring on the subject so he agreed to help me out as long as I understood he didn’t know very much but maybe could get me started. Yeah Right!! I found Sam extremely modest in his appraisal of his abilities. He has been involved with computers in one way or another since the sixties! But more than knowledge it takes patience to make a good teacher and I am grateful to find that was in good supply as well. It took two days of hard work to get me going but that is just what Sam and Shirley do. A generous spirit and a keen sense of social justice are typical for cruising folk but these guys gave me a hand directly this time. So for Shirley and Sam and all you others out there... Thank all of you that have helped over the last several years! My responsibility is to insure that the effort isn’t wasted. So if you are cruising through the TCP web site and find it good, thank the crew of Priority 1 and all the contributors that make it truly your rag!